Welcome to my disection of the latest DW trailer. The trailer to start wiuth, is pretty awsome, but what I wanted to do was have a look through it and note any spoilery things, as well as seeing if we can work out what goes with what episode.
Lets Begin

This image of amy floating out in space could really come from any part, but taking the fact that she's in her dressing gown, I'd put this as either the very end of Episode 1 or start of Episode 2. You can see some of the Tardis from here, the more elegant touch the Moffat promised for sure, but is still retains some 9/10th doctor era look. BREAKING NEWS: The tardis is revealed, check out these pics:
Tardis Interior
EPISODE: Beginning of 2

So this image looks of a far distant city, however if you look at the buildings you can see names such as "Yorkshire" and "Surrey", so this is probably the futuristic England talked about in the brief for the Second episode

Okay for a time I thought this was from episode 2... however after looking at a RS pic below, I'll conceed that this is more likley episode 4/5

Old fasion phones, kick-ass old british army uniforms, welcome to WWII Doctor who style, this episode is set to bring in some British Darleks, wether they are created by some renagde genius or they decive Churchill is unknown, but its set to be interesting.
Episode: 3

More WWII (The rumor going around about this is that we are back on parallel earth but back in time, two reasons I find this unbelivable, 1. Steven Moffat has way too much integrity to drag this back up, and 2 its definently an older looking london and those look like baloons)
Episode: 3

This space ship looks alot like the one with River Song, plus there is the picture below

I wonder who the other person is?? *cough* River Song *cough*
Episode: 4/5

I had originally thought this would be frome the Angels episode, however a poster on Gallifrey Base (Sudden Impact) suugested this could be from the final. And looking at Riversongs hair colour, back to brown like the Stonehedge pic...
Episode: 12/13

Lets say a big welcome back too THE WEEPING ANGELS!!!

This is an awsome looking Dalek, note the British flag
Episode: 3

Roumor mill on the internet is that this is from the final episode, with River Song again.

And the Doctor's new sonic screwdriver, looking alot more alien than before, cool.
Episode: 12/13

Exterior shot of River Song's spaceship, you can't see it but rteportedly it has the words Byzantium on it, which is a reference to some of the adventures that River Song mentioned in the last series
Episode: 4/5

More weeping angels, and the new doctors 'how awsome something that may kill me' face
Episode: 4/5

More interior of the River Song ship
Episode: 4/5

This looks alot like the sort of scenery that wouldn't go astray with the stonehedge stuff, plus with the other c ast of characters we've seen in this style it looks alot like an end game
Episode: 12/13

More oldey times stuff, looks like the TV from Idiots Lantern... so I thought it was the Churchill episode, but people at Gallifrey Base have pointed out to me 1) there weren't many TV's during WWII and 2) there is a Smiler (enemy of episode 2) booth to the left of the shot
Episode: 2

This one, again could come from the series final, however it could also come from the Surilian one, or even the Amy centric one. I hope it is some giant final, where the Big Bad pits some of the greatest enimies of the doctors past against him. Would be interesting
Episode: 12/13

The Doctor... is riding a horse... and looking badass I can't wait to see this episode
Episode: 6 or 12/13

Just a harmless normal space battle right?? Well first off, notice that the massive ship is like the ones used by the Daleks, also those smaller ships look an awful lot like WWII Planes (Spitfire Fighters I'm told by Khai JB from io9.com)...
Episode: 3

Crazy (non-Sparkly) Vampires in Italy, we must now all pray this dosen't go anywhere near twilight.
Episode: 6

I love the Atmosphere of this episode, Amy is once again in her dressing gown
Episode: 2

New villains known as the smilers, they look like the kind of scary that we have come to expect from Moffat, but another trademark of Moffat is that there will be more than meets the eye
Episode: 2

This appears to be the only direct refference to the Sirulian episode. See the green pincary thing in the background?

Well this is what it was attached to
Episode: 8/9

Funny clothes... Generally awsome looking beard... this could very easily be mr Vincent Van Gough. Where's the yellow monster?
Episode: 10

Okay... I've got no idea about this... it could be the episode with Amy's crazy pregant dream but thats really just speculation on my part. UPDATE, I've just had it pointed out to me that Amy is in her night gown so it's more likley to be episode 2
Episode: 2

In the section that was put up from the episode in Venice the wierd vampire gilrs refered to the Stewerd.. Could this be the mysterious person??
Episode: 6

River Song is floating into space... this could call for some explanation

Alot of explanation
Episode: 4/5

One of the best things about Doctor Who trailers is the Doctor jumping from an explosion.. Reminds me of season 3's Lazarus episode
Episode: 6

This is one of my favourite clips from the trailer, it could either be the Angels episode or the final.
Episode: 4/5

Metal cable attacking Amy in the same place we saw the Cyberman with one arm (or maybe one arm of different capibilities??)
Episode: 12/13
Doctor Who returns to Australian Screens on the 18th of April, I'll have a review going up before each episode. Thanks to my UK correpondant (will be named in the first post)