So easter is a week away, and I found myself standing behind my counter at work as 2 small children were hanging off their father screaming about how they wanted easter eggs. The dad, trying to be diplomaic, said they'd have to wait until the rabbit came next week.
Now would you look at that, rabbits and eggs... Does that even make sense? However it was one last thing that was said by the kids that really intigued me. "Daddy, where does the Easter Bunny live?". He had no answer.
I now feel it is my deuty to give parents and people, the appropriate story of eater, here it is warts and all:
Once upon a time in the far away Holidayland, a place where all holiday creatures live in harmony, for example santa is playing tennis with Larry the Leprechaun and all of them get together on Friday night for Kareoke (For such a small guy Cupid still manages to drink everyone under the table)... Now what was I talking about...
Ah yes thats right, anyway so it was a long time ago and there were these two rival fraternities who were trying to move up in the world. One group was the Chocolatiers, yellow chickens who use full body robotic suits to mold chocolate into images of beauty, from full sculptures to a fountain made of white chocolate filled with dark melted, they worked under Santa, but had also done some favours for Cupid. Then there was another group, know only as the rabbits they acted as muscle for some holidays, moving stuff and even building things when the time called for it. Most holidays used them as back-up if they failed to do something, mostly because of their near in-exhaustable number. However the rabbits had never proven too reliable, as they often went to follow leads that achived their own ends.

To say the rabbits didn't take this rejection well would be an understatement, you see... well... they quit all current jobs and started to build something, but no one knew what it was.
In November after the first Easter the Rabbits made their move, and into the new easter area of the Holidayland rolled a giant weponised rabbit carrying carrot. The hens never stood a chance, the rabbits ran straight through the town destroying everything that stood in their path, and taking as many hens as they could prisoner.
It was this event that created the easter that we now know. As chocolate efigies of these rabbits can be seen popping up more and more in shops, the leader of the group, a mysterious enigma known only as 'the bunny' has been taken on as the symbol of the season. No matter how mauch the Holiday leaders want it to all go back, the new image of the Easter is burned too brightly into everyones minds that it will never leave. But still the Hens fight back, continuing to make small tributes to their once great egg, they defy what the rabbits want us to see, to remind all humanity of what easter, for one year, was.
Okay so thats my Rambling of the Sunday, now this won't be the last time I take on the events of Holidayland, or any of the other lands that live adjacent to our own, just keep your eyes peeled for more stories.
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