Wednesday, June 30, 2010


There are dark forces swirling around the mighty Doctor, after his encounter with the Pandorica the doctor has found himself faceing a nemisis of old with a new lacky who once more wishes to bring him to his knees.

An internet source is claiming that Johnny Depp has been signed on to play the Doctor in a movie version of the brilliant BBC series in a script penned by the foul infamous beast who was the real enemy of the doctor in "The End Of Time"... Russell T Davies.

Look he is EVIL!!!

The likleyhood that anyone could sit down after being brought up to speed on the Doctor and the current boon with the new era of our holy lord Moffat and think that this would be a good idea is so infantesimly samll that I would encourage everyone to get together, build a rocket, fly to a planet made entirely out of salt, find 10 identical planets and then use this salt along side the rumor

Although this does give me enough things to start my list, thats right a hate this is basically for any tiny scrap of information you find on these peoples/comapies wrong doings, let me know and a small head smashing will follow as well as a threat

The threat for today: If this does go ahead I will go to Hollywood with a grip that will hold peoples eyes open and the Season 3 Finale of DW on DVD and force the Producer to watch it continuaisly for 5 days, If he can then provide me with a reason why this project cannot fail, then I will be like a captin of a ship before he sends it off to traverse the sea.

... Savagly hit him with a champagne bottle.

Night all

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The realisation of the 'Attack of the Clones' potential


I'm sorry I was cruel to your last trailer FU2, you do seem to have been doing stuff.

Friday, June 11, 2010

I realise the connection

 So over the past couple of days there have been two pieces of information that have caught my eye.

The first is that a new Indiana jones movie is being made to futher sully my memory of the once mighty series, it seems to be a running theme with Lucus that if he was involved in something in his begeinnings it would be awesome, but now if he's involved in things in his old age it is less so, see the Star Wars prequels (I didn't hate them, but they still don't hold a candel to the originals). As long as they go back to the original format of looking for relegious articles then I'll be happy. Also Mutt should be fired out of a cannon... into a wall.

Micheal "must die" Bay, has come out and dropped a bombshell... He thought Transexuals 2 was 'flawed'. I honestly don't know what he means, I didn't find anything wrong with it.

More seriously, he has managed to drop a bit of the plot, it will involve the space race with the major villain being Shockwave. Its nice to see some middle ground enemies coming back into this farce of a trilogy, maybe Shockwave can add that serious edge he's been talking about. There will also be no 'dodgy humor' thank the lord Spaghetti monster on high, if there was one thing I hated more than the entire plot, actors and Micheal Bay himself it was the hash brownies and the dog sex scenes, Sam's 'happy time' was amusing the first time round as a small subtle scene, the second film to hit us over the head with it, as in "look, look, look, it's comedy in a serious movie, how original are we!". The final bit that the movie will be based around the space race if the cold war, does send a shiver down my sping. Get it Shiver, cold war??? Meh. When you play god with history, the success of the piece is very much dependant on wether the audience agrees it is plausible and is with you all the way. Considering the last bowl of droppings we were fed last time, I doubt people will buy his links.

Now what was the link? Shia La Bouf is in both movies, so I put it to you is Shia a franchise killer?

I'm going to reserve judgement until I see Wall Street 2, but then its open slather.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ads from the 80's

So I was bumming around on Youtube, as you do, and I stumbled across these old ads for resteraunts. Isn't it weird how times change?

Monday, June 7, 2010

Doctor Who adventure game

So after spending Friday throwing darts into my most hated dartboard, a little board covered with pictures of groups I hate such as Fox and Micheal Bay, I was suprised to find that the Doctor Who adventure game thing that I'd hear about sometime ago had been released. Hooray! I thought to myself someone has had the brains to mix together three of my favourite things, Doctor Who, Video Games and Steven Moffat. So lets delve through the mirk of what should have been an easy to hit love fest for me.

Right so I woke up at about 8 am on Saturday morning, ready to sonic some screws and exterminate some Daleks, only to find the game was still downloading 8 hours after I started and proceeded to go until noon... okay not a great start. So finally having the download complete I was ready to install and get going, only to have th game tell me, "Woopsy you don't seem to be contected to the internet, do you want to fix that and try again later?" This was despite the fact I was chating on Facebook at the same time. So after hiting my computer for an hour I moved down to the desktop and finally got it working

So it opens up with the Doctor and Amy heading to 1963 to go and watch the Beatles, only to find that the Daleks have completly changed the course of history and taken over the earth, so its a quick trip back to the Dalek home of Kaalann on Skaro, along the way we run into:
- A lady with an ace-esque explosion fetish
- A dissapearing Amy, ala Back to the Future
- Varga Plants
- The Emperor Dalek and his colourful friends

In all the story was actually quite good, drawing on the old and the new it blended quite well and I found myself interested in how they would make sense of what they had done, which seems to be a staple of this Moffat era. But another staple was also present in the form of the homage, now I know that Moffat is, like me, a massive Whovian geek but do I have to have this fact launched at me like a midgit in a cannon every 20 minutes? As well as that aspects like the Varga plants felt like they'd just been thrown into the plot cause we needed to make the game harder as it went on, but I guess thats more of a gameplay thing than a story aspect

Okay now I've said very nice things about the story so I think its about time I said some mean things. God the general game aspect of this thing was atrocious, about every 5 minutes in the first half an hour I found my self pressing ctr-alt-del, just to give the game a quick defribulator to the chest and get it moving again, however once it really got going these problems seemed to slowly disappear, only to reappear in the last few minutes and remind me how pissed it got me. Now I'm sure you could tell me it was just my computer, but I've played Crysis on this thing and not had a problem so I don't see why this game, which is for all asthetic purposes like sticking a sheet on some manekins and having them run around, while it may look okay it just doesn't feel as natural as real DW or even other games. But even when I was moving around it was like trying to move a mouse covered in grease that was stuck to the floor with honey, it can be done but you'll piss around for ages trying to work it out. I think my whole feeling for the gameplay can be compounded into my final 15 minutes of playing, as the Doctor I had just finished setting of a final trap and all I had to do was run through a short maze and up a ramp to amy within the time limit, and once I'd worked out where to go it should have been easy. But whenever I wanted to move away from the death dealing shooty walls my mouse seemed to think it would be hilarious to screw with me and run right into them, fantastic.

Other Things I'd Like To Say
There are actually a few other things I'd like to rave about, first Nick Briggs I love you, there is something about your Daleks which is just haunting and wonderful at the same time. Also whatever I read about this being a point and click adventure game has lied to me, this whole thing is actually one of those small kiddie games where we run around learning about stuff and beating the bad guys, like a dumb version of those Carmen San Diego video games we played as children, but that also depresses me if this is the level of people they consider t be playing these games. And finally, the red Daleks are not scary.

So what can I really say about this game, well while I quite enjoyed watching the Doctor run around, and as gratifying as it was to kill Amy a couple of time for hilarity value, these things don't out way the massive problems I had with the general game controls, so for this whole thing I think I would rather have seen the gameplay budget spent on upgrading the visuals a bit and just having them make an animation, it would have taken less time for me and it may have even enjoyed it more.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Yes indeed Its time to rhyme, the cake was a lie, now Bay must die.

Okay so it was just about a week ago after my mysterious reserection that I posted the ruomor that Micheal 'my explosions bigger than your explosion' Bay was planning to cast a Victoria Secrets, model with all the acting experience of one of those lamps that sit in a shop windows, in his next Transformers ... I hesitate to call it a film... spectical. At the time the possibility that any one man could be so thick not to realise that this was one of those ideas, like a tennis racket made out of pancakes, you put in the BAD pile was unfathomable to me, but apparently they do exist and Mr Bay ocupies their ranks. It's not that I have anything wrong to having a bit of eye candy go with my movies, actresses that can do the both is fine with me. But when you cast someone whose job is to just walk around in skimpy clothes, well all attempts at subtlty go out the window.

After the Trash pile that was Transfestitesormers 2 and the absolute spanking Bay got from critics and general film goers alike, I honestly though he might have decided to make a move in the smarter direction, but of course that dream was short lived.

Now I know that out there somewhere there will be people trying to tell me, 'Oh come on Gent, it won't be that bad. At least they aren't trying to pretend shes an actress anymore, and look at all the changes Bays making, surely that is a good move?' and to that I say, shut up and go back to the fan boy hole you crawled out of, just because you tinker with the formula of a terrible film doesn't mean it will get better, infact if you push it the wrong way it will only get worse. So which way will this monstrosity that is Transiberian 3 fall, well lets look at 2 core aspects that are pissing me up the wall.

Those that have left us:
So who is still sitting on the Transmogrify Ship and who hass walked the plank or managed to sneak off in a Life boat before the whole thing comes down? Well Bay's is still there obviously, and he still seems to think he is a real diector who can build a movie and is a master of tension. HEY GENIUS! Running through the desert for the last hour of the film doesn't build tension, it just makes me hope the Clash of the Titans Scorpions will pop out and end my misery, and just cause I wanted to shoehorn this complaint in somewhere, a film should build up to the final climactic showdown with your villian, wether it is a Lightsaber duel with mindfreaking implications, or a hostage negotionation it should be the highlight, not go for two seconds as our super powered hero beats on a senior citizen, geez. Okay what was I tlaking about? Next, 2 executive producers have bitten the big one, Brian Goldner and Mark Vahradian. I'm sorry guys but your loss is of no effect to me, when you only lose 2 out of 8 producers, I doubt we'll feel the difference, especially when Steven 'Holier than thou' Speilberg is still there. The writing was the most obvious problem in the second film so when I see that Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman have left the franchise for fear of it 'going stale' massive warning bells begin to go off like im standing in the middle of Nostre Dame Cathedral at 12 o'clock. Orci and Kurtzman were the writers of the first Transfixers and while it didn't set the world on fire I could hardly call it bad, but rather than letting those two settle back down to work as they went before, some genius decided that another writer would make it even better, like some sort of wierd 2+1=better senario. The man who we got was Ehren Kruger, and while he did a good job with The Ring, he proved here and in The Ring Two (what an inventive name for a sequel) that while he can set stuff up in an original, he has a random need to dig plot holes in a sequel.

The Batman Effect
Okay so you're movie isn't working, people were dissapointed in it and you're losing your fan boy audience. While any Berk with a keyboard (like me) would tell you that you need to go back to basics, respect the fans of the source and not run over pre-existing cannon with a steamroller. OR, as Mr Bay seems to think, you could always go with what I like to call the Batman effect. The Batman effect is a very simple thing to do, but if done incorrectly it will drag your franchise to the brink of destuction. The effect is that you make your movie darker and it is ultimatly better, such as Dark Knight and Watchmen. This however doesn't always work, take Wolverine: Origins for example, while they tried to darken it up a bit the entire movie still felt as campy as when Wolvy was running around in the yellow spandex. And if the enternal badass Wolverine can't pull it off then I don't see how Transistor Radio 3 will do it.

Okay so thats the basics for why this movie will suck. Now for all you people out there who actually agree with me, oh come on I know you're there, I putting together a Special team with special privilages (Oh god, now I've got Wolfman: Original stuck in my head) so grab you're Pitchforks as we strom Paramount Studios to stop this movie. Any of you out there that still need your fix of Transformationalists, my advice is to open 4 internet browsers, on one have google images robots, another have explosions, the third he women draped over cars and on the fourth start the movie Eagle Eye, now switch randomly between the tow, trust me you won't notice the difference.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Scott Pilgrim Trailer 2

I'm quite looking forward to this, the mix between movies and video games and comics, and any other geeky thing you care to mention.