Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hugo and the Doctor, 2 friends tied at the hip.

So the illustrious Hugo awards for science fiction have come and gone for another year and we at the far end of the Geek spectrum are left to awe at the winners and loser we find before us. So rather than delve into the sections on Books and fan-fiction that I know nothing about and have no interest in I'll skip to the Film and TV categories and de-construct them.

Avatar Screenplay and Directed by James Cameron (Twentieth Century Fox)
District 9 Screenplay by Neill Blomkamp & Terri Tatchell; Directed by Neill Blomkamp (TriStar Pictures)
Moon Screenplay by Nathan Parker; Story by Duncan Jones; Directed by Duncan Jones (Liberty Films)
Star Trek Screenplay by Robert Orci & Alex Kurtzman; Directed by J.J. Abrams (Paramount)
Up Screenplay by Bob Peterson & Pete Docter; Story by Bob Peterson, Pete Docter, & Thomas McCarthy; Directed by Bob Peterson & Pete Docter (Disney/Pixar)

Moon Screenplay by Nathan Parker; Story by Duncan Jones; Directed by Duncan Jones (Liberty Films)

So looking at the list this was a very strong group, and it would have been hard to pick a winner lets look a how it might have gone in regards to a 100 meter dash between the nominees.

Next category:

Doctor Who: "The Next Doctor" Written by Russell T Davies; Directed by Andy Goddard (BBC Wales)
Doctor Who: "Planet of the Dead" Written by Russell T Davies & Gareth Roberts; Directed by James Strong (BBC Wales)
Doctor Who: "The Waters of Mars" Written by Russell T Davies & Phil Ford; Directed by Graeme Harper (BBC Wales)
Dollhouse: "Epitaph 1" Story by Joss Whedon; Written by Maurissa Tancharoen & Jed Whedon; Directed by David Solomon (Mutant Enemy)
FlashForward: "No More Good Days" Written by Brannon Braga & David S. Goyer; Directed by David S. Goyer; based on the novel by Robert J. Sawyer (ABC)

Doctor Who: "The Waters of Mars" Written by Russell T Davies & Phil Ford; Directed by Graeme Harper (BBC Wales)

Ahh.. Russell we meet again, Now for the past 4 years Doctor Who has won 3 of these awards, with it's run only being stopped by Dr Horrible's sing-along blog (coincidentally my dictionary tells me at Horrible's isn't a word and that I should replace it with Horribleness, which I didn't think was a word... fun fact!) and while this may make you think I am unfair on Russell T and that he must be good if he won all those awards? I would like to point out to you that all the episodes that won, The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances, The Girl in the Fireplace and Blink were all written by my geek love overlord Steven Moffat and that this is in fact the first Russell T episode to win one. And considering it was up against those other 2 DW episodes there must have been a real lack of competition, while Mars was generally good as it gave us an unhinged and bordering on megalomaniac Doctor, the other 2 were poor attempts at cashing in on people mood at a particular time of year.

So there you have it, my take on the two entries I actually know something about, If you want to know the other categories and nominees follow this link.

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