Friday, April 23, 2010

Clip Show: The Time of Angels

Welcome to another week of clip show, and what have we got for you this time??? Well its our firast look at the big, everything that the Moff has done up to this point all dumped into one episode... clips.

I will point out that I'm actually really looking forward to this episode, but it still has the feeling that he came up with the idea for this episode before he even began writing the series opener, wether thats good or bad remains to be seen.

So here we go first clip:

2 things I want to say about this clip, firstly The Doctor acting like a spoilt child who has had his favourite toy taken off of him is kind funny here, but if it becomes something that recurs throughout the episode, it'll really grate on my nerves. Secondly, just putting it out there, this seems like the best proof we have that either River is,
a. A Time Lady (this seems unlikly as The Doctor has said that if there were any of his kind left he would be able to feel them, also I think that the Moff is above such a cheap trick)
b. The Doctor (Again unlikley as that would mean that the Doctor has an established death, also she genuinly sacrifices herself in the Library so I doubt this is right)
c. A Companion whose timeline we will follow backwards to the start (This seems most likley of all the predictions, but the likelyhood that the Doctor would tell River so much if this is the big reveal doesn't sit right)
d. Something that none of us have though of either becausde it is:
         1. Too Bizzare
         2. Staring us in the face

My money is on d.

I really hope spoilers doesn't become a catchphrase with River, it was kind of endeering in the Library but it wouls all to easily get on my nerves.

For anyone who (like me) thought that Moffat couldn't recapture that tense scary edge that Blink had, we were wrong. Even only vaguely watching this clip made me jump, something about those eyes are so creepy.

So thats the clip show for another week I'm going to put up one more Whovian thing before the review this week. With the synopsis of the first DW Adventure Game just released, I'm going to stick up some thoughts, and maybe even a possible plot


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