Saturday, April 24, 2010

DW Adventure Game: Back to the Skaro(Future)

Yes thats right folks when I make a promise I come through on it... well except for that one time with the Biker chick and my Yeti room-mate.... I digress. So the synopsis for the first of these downloadable video games came out reccently and I must say I'm a little worried, here it is:

"The TARDIS materializes in 1963 - and London is in ruins. The Daleks have seized control of time and the only chance of saving Earth lies in a desperate quest to Skaro, the Daleks' home planet - before time catches up with Amy, the last survivor of the human race!"

 Hmm... am I the only one who gest worried when we see that the Dalek's have taken control of time, I mean here is seems like they are using it as a simple plot device while the main plot is your mission, which I guess is fair in the context of a video game. I think something like this (if they had the budget) would have made a much better episode, you could have the Dalek's trick The Doctor, steal something from his Tardis and race off through time, The Doctor of course follows and then we move into the game plot.

And what about the games plot, well using the aformentioned synopsis and the trailer below, I've come up with some ideas:

1. We'll see a back to the future style thing were Amy begins to fade on Skaro
2. There is some fantastical device holding time in the place the Dalek's have chosen, which is what we are after.
3. At least the White Dalek will escape (Don't you agree that its about time we stoped with the whole 'Huzzah we have killed off all the Daleks and sealed a wormhole loop that will never ever ever ever ever ever be opened' when we all know that with the next season they'll all be back

So thats my brief take on the situation. The Doctor Who Adventuer Game: Back to the Future (Skaro Style) will be out on the 5th of June this year (or the 6th of May, I'm not sure how to read the date)

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