Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I'm sorry but who are you people and what are you doing on my screen? Yes the trailers
from E3 for kinect have been released to the general public and they look like something'
a disgruntled ex-ad chief from Nintendo would have come up with trying to display a cross
section of society with the decent looking chick, the asian chick, the dorky looking man,
the cute chick, your dad, blondy, geek, another woman and Blondy again. I get it Kinect
is supposed to appeal to everyone on the family friendly specturm, stop beating me with
it. But then it only gets worse as we are introduced to a small child, here playing the
obligitory black section of society and her happy family who are playing with the first
game kinectimals. Not only does this game look odd as you replace domestic anmals with
cute man eating monsters but it appears to suffer from what I will call the Nintendogs
problem, where for about a week or so you will happily play with your animal treating
them as a beloved pet until you grow bored and move onto another and immensly more fun
game. Seriously the reason we keep pets past the 'cute stage' is because we can't ignore
them, they piss on the furniture eat our food and ruin things if we don't look after them,
here there is no such reason to care. Then we come to the TV aspect of he kinect, where it
allows you to watch ESPN and other channels on the xbox and control it with your voice...
Why the hell do I want to do that, if I want something like that I'll just buy Foxtel, not
only do I get more channels but I also don't have to pay as much for the experience.
Although I must say that at least for the feel of living in the future having the voice
controls appears interesting. I'd like to tackle the dance games next, this is the one
thing that appears good for this glorified controler, If it can acuratly desipher my
moves then this will work well and allow for the freestyleing Dance Dance revolution never
has. Okay up next are the sport games, honestly I don't see this as winning any fans
because frankly Xbox if they weren't sucked in by the Wii then they won't be sucked in by
you. Now try and explain to me why I want to stand there looking like more of a tool than I do
with the wii wheel attachments. seriously, someone send me an email or leave a comment
telling me why. But I guess that's pointless anyway because if families will get sold by
the cute tiger they'll be buying these sport games to further justify the devices price.
And then we're back to the people again. but there is nothing there that will sell a
hardcore gamer on the virtues of kinect and even when Fable 3 comes out with its
components it may only gain the idea more of a beating as gamers are unable to avoid it.
But to paraphrase a political leader one day we will all just have to begin moving
forward from these motion controls.

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